Dear Editor:
Jesus was born in Bethlehem, a little town in what is now Israel in the Middle East. Israel is not a Christian country. It is a Jewish State and surrounded by Muslim countries. For countless years religion has inspired hate and bloodshed between these religious believers. Terrorizing and killing each other over who owns what land God gave to whom. Instead of believing that everything is God’s creation, each would rather believe the other is the heretic and therefore worthy of destruction in God’s name.
Now if Jesus, the Son of the Creator of heaven and earth, cannot straighten out the mess in the land of his own birth; if he cannot there establish peace on earth and goodwill among men, what grounds have we Filipinos to hope for Jesus to straighten out the mess too in the Philippines - the only Christian country in Asia today?
Jesus preached: “Unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matt. 18:3). Well, I think we should stop behaving like mindless children. It’s time to grow up. Our grandparents had children and grandchildren. We too have children and grandchildren. They too will have children and grandchildren. I ask: When are we going to enter the kingdom of mature thinking men and responsible thinking women developing a sane society for all Filipinos to enjoy over the years to come right here on this earth?
Growth of a people comes with the elimination of falsehood that corrupts the human mentality inspired by childish theology. Development of a nation comes with the recognition of the truth behind the power of science, the scientific way of thinking, and technology. In the meantime, in this God-forsaken country, we have yet to embrace not the freedom OF religion, but the freedom FROM religion.
Yours Faithfully
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