Catholic Bishops
Catholic Bishops
by Poch Suzara
Even though our rapid population growth keeps the Filipino poor as a people, the Catholic Bishops welcome more babies. Millions of them, however, destined to a life of religious attitudes and behaviors that lead to widespread poverty. And to think these babies, many of them born unwanted, are produced yearly in vast quantities by unpaid and unskilled labor who enjoy their work.
The Bishops could not care less about the coming of the Lord to assist the Filipino become healthy, wealthy, and wise as a nation. They say instead that, whilst the Lord has not yet returned, we can all enjoy God’s greatest gift of “free will” by choosing the good away from the evil. In this case, according to the Bishops, we must always choose good pregnancy over the evils of serious family planning and birth control contraceptives. In the meantime, it’s incredible to see how the child-bearers themselves, the women, virtually have no say on the matter. It’s the men, specially the men of the Church, - always deciding for women what not to do. I ask you women: Aside from your minds and hearts already surrendered to the Priesthood Industry, must you also surrender your reproductive system?
In the meantime, where is the free will of the Bishops to choose human dignity for the Filipino? Why choose only more of the same old religious pain, poverty and misery? Why are the bishops keeping our free will not free at all? Look how we must obey the bishops calling for a continued production of unwanted babies for the Filipino who is already quite famous as the poor and Sick Man of Asia?
For my part, as I believe that a “good will” is much more sensible than a “free will,” I say to you Bishops: Shame on you for believing that the population growth of the Philippines is a matter of good sexual morality based upon divine authority. On the contrary, my dear Bishops, the population explosion in the Philippines is an issue of economic perversity, if not social insanity, as inspired by human stupidity.
And to think that God Himself practiced family planning and birth control. He had begotten with a Virgin Mary only one Son, didn’t He?
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