We are repeatedly told that poverty in the Philippines has nothing to do with the population explosion. It has mostly to do with unequal distribution of wealth due to, if not the result of – corruption.
As a matter of fact, in this country, we all suffer from the worst kind of poverty – the poverty of the mind. Otherwise, if we were blessed with rich minds, we would not find ourselves:
Too poor to solve the problem of our overcrowded barrios, towns, and cities.
Too poor to solve the problem of our overcrowded hospitals and health clinics and cemeteries.
Too poor to solve the problem of our overcrowded schools, colleges, and universities.
Too poor to solve the problem of our overcrowded buses, jeeps, trains, planes, and ships.
Too poor to solve the problem of our overcrowded roads, streets, and highways.
Too poor to solve the problem of our overcrowded slum and squatter areas.
Yes, indeed, we are a corrupt people under a corrupt government blessed by an equally corrupt church. But I what could be more corrupt than men and women irresponsible and insensible enough to bring forth unwanted children into our sick and corrupt society? Meanwhile, ask any of the nation’s children who or what or where their parents are – they do not know. Most of these children do know, however, that their parents are busy working in the baby factory.
Indeed, millions upon millions of our men have far more job openings for unskilled work in the baby factory than job openings for skilled work in the business of nation building.
The fact is, due to population explosion, the Philippine economic pie is getting smaller and smaller. What is getting bigger and bigger however is only the “Pie in the Sky, by and by.” Sadly, not the living, but only the dead, if at all, can partake of this non-existing pie.
Is it such a complicated mathematical equation to figure out that It is more practical to feed, cloth, house, and educate children as they are planned products of planned copulation rather than babies to exist as reckless products of reckless fecundation? We are a people still mired in Third World mentality because millions of our mothers and fathers still believe that God will provide. As a matter of fact, even our high government officials have high hopes for the Philippines but not with or from science education, but only from divine intervention.
In there hope for the Philippines? Yes there is if we can only learn to be more constructive intellectually, more creative culturally, and more productive scientifically - by being less destructive sexually. Poch Suzara