Saturday, April 16, 2005

Questions For the Theologians



Here are theological questions I asked years ago. Today I am asking more questions and I hope the theologians have already found, for me, the answers. Until then, I will be happy to remain as a proud atheist. After all, like everybody else, I too was born an atheist.

If God created everything, including space and time, where was God located before he created space, and when was it before he created time?

If God had to create light, where did darkness come from to begin with? Wasn't God
existence brilliant enough?

How could Adam and Eve be guilty of the Original Sin since before everything else there was, first of all, the Original Creator?

If sin is defined as the willful omission against the law of God, does it not follow that everyone should keep away from religion so as to avoid committing sin?

If prayer works, how come we have to construct more hospitals for the sick and construct more insane asylum for the politicians in charge of government?

If God were the great Designer of nature, how come He had to design 23,000 different kinds of beetles? What went wrong with the first beetle design?

If God gifted man with a free will and God does not interfere with our choices of good and evil, what is the purpose of our praying to God to “lead us not into temptation?” And why was the devil also gifted with the same free will to make a mockery of our prayers daily?

If God so loved the world, why does he allow the devil to make the believers of one religion hate the believers of another religion? Or even allow the believers of the same religion hate each other?

How spiritually healthy are we if the only way we can make God happy up there is not to enhance our freedom and democracy but to only embrace a theocracy down here?

Theologians say that only God can make a tree. How come the theologians had to wait for science to explain to them the nature of trees and its environmental relationship to human survival on this planet?

If there is power in prayer, how come God does not listen to the prayer of the theologians? And how come even the theologians themselves do not know why God does not even listen to his own mother Mary praying for the sinners who have now grown to be the criminals dominating our sick society?

The theologians continue to assure us that God loves the Filipino. If this were true, how come, in God’s name, we are heartless to each other as a people? Again, we are assured that God loves the Philippines? If this were true, how come we are mindless of each other as a nation and all done in God’s name and for His glory in heaven?

If the theologians were honest investigators of the truth, why are they not truthful enough to admit that the Revealed Truth has yet to be revealed?

Mt final question for the theologians: Why is it that everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die? And if you want to die, why is it an offense against God if you have the free will to desire to take your own life?

As a publicly declared and an openly avowed atheist, why should we not agree with Bertrand Russell. On the question of death, he wrote: “If we must die, let us die sober, and not drunk with lies.”


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