Saturday, April 16, 2005

On Raising Children



Raising children in the Philippines is just like raising pigs, chicken and cows: without regard to moral and intellectual capacity. Despite the increasing complexity of raising children for a happy, creative, and productive life, the task of parenthood remains in the hands of couples quite devoid of parental qualifications. There are colleges courses offered on how to raise pigs, chickens and cows in our universities, but none on how to raise children.

There are millions of malnourished children in the Philippines today. They are abused – physically, emotionally, sexually, and economically. Not to mention poor prenatal and postnatal nutrition adversely have affected the functions of their brains. Let us not forget that our congressmen, senators, and theologians of today were once Filipino children.

I ask: Why should these children honor thy mother and father? Suppose parents are selfish, greedy, stupid, and insane?
Should children honor them? Honor is not something to be given. It must be earned. Parents who wish to be respected must behave so as to elicit respect. But what if parents were weak or degenerate or criminally negligent? Should children honor them?

Copulation requires no especial strength of character. No high intelligence is required for a husband to impregnate his wife or lover. Consider the physical position that a man and woman must assume in order to multiply and replenish the earth. It has got to be one of the most ridiculous positions ever concocted by would-be mothers and would-be fathers. Yet, when children are born and they struggle to survive by living like animals eating garbage off the streets, we believe it a religious duty that they be taught God’s command – honor thy mother and thy father. What kind of childish nonsense is this?

In the meantime, it is hard to believe in the salvation of those who work for the damnation of others: the pro-lifers who condemn hundreds of thousands of unwanted and unloved children to premature death due to hunger and diseases. These religious morons are even insisting that there is no such thing as population growth problem in the Philippines. Indeed, religion is the root of complacency and apathy that plagues our sick society.

We believe it such a terrible sin against God to practice family planning and birth control. We ignore God’s greatest gift to man: - free will. We refuse to accept that babies born in the Philippines today each carry a message from God. The message is that poor and backward countries like the Philippines have shamelessly failed to utilize free will to develop a new set of moral values that should lead to humane social program for population control.

To be entrusted with a large family is a great responsibility. To be entrusted with feeding, clothing, sheltering, educating, and loving a large family is a greater responsibility. But to acknowledge the fact that human overpopulation leads to the extinction of most other species that are needed to maintain the balance of nature is the greatest of responsibilities.

The first law of ecology is that everything is connected to everything else in a delicate and complex web of interrelationships. It is therefore impossible to separate protection of human species from protection of natural ecosystems; they are two aspects of the same fundamental set of resources. With human population explosion we destroy the ecological system. Upon their destruction we will destroy too, eventually, ourselves. All for what? For the Prophets and Bishops of needless Boom?


Bertrand Russell Society, Phil.
p.o. Box 3036, makati city


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