Thursday, August 19, 2004


Our first class hotels, beach resorts, travel agencies, and girlie bars are mostly owned by foreigners married to Filipinas.
Our first class kitchen appliances, plumbing fixtures, and carpentry tools are mostly made in foreign countries.
Our first class traffic gridlock are daily due to vehicles all made in foreign countries
Our first class movies and TV shows are mostly made in foreign countries.
Our first class water filtering machines are mostly made in foreign countries.
Our first class super flyways were mostly financed and constructed by foreign countries.
Our first class converted military bases are now private real estate properties sold mostly to foreigners.
Our first class church properties and buildings are mostly owned by foreigners.
Our first class surgery to disconnect bodily connected twins can only be performed in foreign countries.
Our first class Filipino brains are best utilized only in foreign countries.
Our first class employment for our college graduates are to be found mostly in foreign countries.
Our greatest hero Jose Rizal earned his first class scientific education and prominent membership of scientific organizations in foreign countries.
Golly, even the God we worship in the Philippines was born in Israel some 2,000 years ago. And Israel today is a Jewish State, not a Christian country.

For my part, ironically, it was a foreigner too who saved and reshaped my culturally damaged mind: Bertrand Russell. He managed to share with me his burning passion for the search of the honest truth; and his good life inspired by love and guided by knowledge. What led me to love and respect Bertrand Russell led me also to discover, appreciatively, other great men like our Voltairean Jose Rizal. Indeed, during my long miseducation in a Catholic school, I was nurtured to ridicule the new ways of thinking and living, indeed, to scoff at the attempts for human improvements as simply nothing but the atheistic work of the devil.

Is there hope for the Philippines? Yes, there is hope; but only if our kindergarten, schools, colleges, and universities remake themselves scientifically, stressing the precious values of redeeming creative and analytical thinking. In brief – teaching the soaring power of reason based on critical and a lifetime habit of serious reading. Otherwise, if science and the scientific way of thinking remains totally ignored playing no vital role whatsoever in the foundation of our education, the Filipino purpose shall only be to seek redemption in foreign countries; or, to seek the illusion of salvation in the next world. Sadly, however, according to Ecclesiastes: - “The living know they shall die, but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.” Poch Suzara

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Bertrand Russell Society, Phils Website

The Bible and Astronomy

The bible says: “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” John 2:15.

Those sacred words could have been written only by an inspired superstitious primitive who knew nothing of stars and planets and suns and galaxies.

According to the science of astronomy, the largest planet in our solar system is Jupiter. Indeed, 1,000 of our planet earth can fit inside Jupiter. But it would take 100,000 of the planet Jupiter to fit inside the sun. The sun is not that big of a deal either. A bigger sun has been discovered. Astronomers called R. Doradus. This huge red star is 370 times bigger than our sun.

We humans live on a mote of dust of which we are a speck under the immensity of space and the eternity of time. For inspired authors of God to write in the bible something like: “For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have life everlasting life,” surely makes divinity really look supernaturally silly.

According to astronomer Carl Sagan: “a handful of sand contains about 10,000 grains, more than the number of stars we can see with the naked eye on a clear night. But the number of stars we can see is only the tiniest fraction of the number of stars that are. What we see at night is the merest smattering of the nearest stars. Meanwhile the Cosmos is rich beyond measure: the total number of stars in the universe is greater than all the grains of sand on all the beaches of the planet Earth.”

Who are we? Where are we? Astronomers have discovered that we live on an insignificant planet – one of the 400 billion stars and planets called the “Milky Way Galaxy” tucked away in some forgotten corner of a universe in which there are far more galaxies than there are six billion people on this earth today.

If all that were all so gloomy, here’s something rather cheerful from Bertrand Russell: “To those who live entirely amid terrestrial events and who have given little thought to what is distant in space and time, there is at first something bewildering and oppressive, and perhaps even paralyzing, in the realization of the minuteness of man and his concerns in comparison with astronomical abysses. But this effect is not rational and should not be lasting. There is no reason to worship mere size. We do not necessarily respect a fat man more than a thin man. Sir Isaac Newton was very much smaller than a hippopotamus, but we do not on that account value him less than the larger beast. The size of a man’s mind – if such a phrase were permissible – is not to be measured by the size of the man’s body. It is to be measured, in so far as it can be measured, by the size and complexity of the universe that he grasps in thought and imagination. The mind of the astronomer can grow, and should grow, step by step with the universe of which he is aware. And when I say that his mind should grow, I mean his total mind, not only its intellectual aspect. Will and feeling should keep pace with thought if man is to grow as his knowledge grows. It this cannot be achieved – if, while knowledge becomes cosmic, will and feeling remain parochial – there will be a lack of harmony producing a kind of madness of which the effects must be disastrous.” POCH SUZARA


The shaving gadget we use is made in China.
The shaving cream we use is made in Australia
The watch on our wrist is made in Japan.
The clock on our kitchen wall is made in Taiwan
The microwave oven we use is made in Japan.
The transistor radio we own is made in South Africa
The television set we own is made in Japan.
The computers we use are made in China
The computer printer we use is made in Taiwan.
The cellular-phone we use is made in Finland.
The battery charger we use is made in China
The calculator to figure out our foreign debts is made in India.
The phone apparatus in our homes is made in China
The tape recorder we use in the office is made in China.
The camera we use to take pictures is made in Japan.
The cheap vegetable we buy for lunch is imported from China
The cheap rice we buy for dinner is imported from Thailand.
The bicycle my son uses to go to school is made in India.
The mechanized toys for our Christmas gifts are made in Japan.
The car we drive to go to work is made in foreign countries
The parts needed for our car repair are made in foreign countries.
The gasoline for our car is imported from the Middle East.
The elevator we use in tall buildings is made in foreign countries.
The best horses in our race tracks are imported from Australia.
The PAL aircraft we ride to fly overseas is made in America.
The newspaper we read is printed by machines made in Japan.
The TV camera used here to spread God’s word is made in Japan.
The holy bible for Filipinos was written by inspired foreigners.
The colorful light bulbs on our Christmas trees are made in China
The pills we Filipino use for sexual potency is made in America.
The silicon on the breast of a Filipina beauty queen is made in Mexico.
The false teeth installed by Filipino dentists are made in Singapore.
The lens in my eye after a cataract surgery is made in India.
The reading glasses and reading lamp I use are made in China.
The golf-set and golf shoes of my golfer friends are made in foreign countries.
The lipstick, make-up kit, and perfume used by our women are all
made in foreign countries.
The machine for recycling our bottles and cans are made in foreign countries.
The surgical and medical and dental instruments used by our doctors
and dentists are all made in foreign countries.
The crematorium machinery to cremate the dead bodies is made in America.
The place where we go after death is a foreign place called heaven or hell managed by foreigners.
The Pagcor gambling accessories and lotto machines are all made in foreign countries.
The LRT and MRT vehicles for our mass public transportation are made in foreign countries.
The engine that runs our buses and jeepneys and trains are all made in foreign countries.
The motorcycles in the Philippines use for pleasure or for delivery services are all made in foreign countries.
The communication and transportation system used by the Philippine Army are made in foreign countries.
The ships and vessels used by the Philippine Navy are made in foreign countries.
The aircrafts and helicopters used by Philippine Air Force are all made in foreign countries.

Indeed, WOW Philippines! Why should the system of our education and the society as a whole be bothered with the latest findings in science and technology? Since we are already blessed and protected by divine intervention who is always forgiving our culture based on corruption. POCH SUZARA


Here’s what the bible says about philosophy: “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” Colossians 2:8

Now compare what Bertrand Russell said about philosophy in his OUTLINE OF PHILOSOPHY:

“Since men first began to think, the forces of nature have oppressed them; earthquakes, floods, pestilences, and famines have filled them with terror. Now at last, thanks to science, mankind are discovering how to avoid much of the suffering that such events have hitherto entailed. The mod in which, as it seems to me, the modern man should face the universe is one of quiet self-respect. The universe as known to science is not in itself either friendly or hostile to man, but it can be made to act as a friend if approached with patient knowledge. Where the universe is concerned, knowledge is the one thing needful. Man, alone of living things, has shown himself capable of the knowledge required to give him a certain mastery over his environment. The dangers to man in the future, or at least in any measurable future, come, not from nature, but from man himself. Will he use his power wisely? Or will he turned the energy liberated from the struggle with nature into struggles with his fellow-men? History, science, and philosophy all make us aware of the great collective achievements of mankind. It would be well if every civilized human being had a sense of these achievements and a realization of the possibility of the greater things to come, with the indifference which must result as regards the petty squabbles upon which the passions of individuals and nations are wastefully squandered.

Philosophy should make us know the ends of life, and the elements in life that have value on their own account. However our freedom may be limited in the causal sphere, we admit no limitations to our freedom in the sphere of values: what we judge good on its own account we may continue to judge good, without regard to anything but our own feeling. Philosophy cannot itself determine the ends of life, but it can free us from the tyranny of prejudice and from distortions due to a narrow view. Love, beauty, knowledge, and joy of life: these things retain their luster however wide our purview. And if philosophy can help us to feel the value of these things, it will have played its part in man’s collective work of bringing more light into a world of darkness.” POCH SUZARA