Our first class hotels, beach resorts, travel agencies, and girlie bars are mostly owned by foreigners married to Filipinas.
Our first class kitchen appliances, plumbing fixtures, and carpentry tools are mostly made in foreign countries.
Our first class traffic gridlock are daily due to vehicles all made in foreign countries
Our first class movies and TV shows are mostly made in foreign countries.
Our first class water filtering machines are mostly made in foreign countries.
Our first class super flyways were mostly financed and constructed by foreign countries.
Our first class converted military bases are now private real estate properties sold mostly to foreigners.
Our first class church properties and buildings are mostly owned by foreigners.
Our first class surgery to disconnect bodily connected twins can only be performed in foreign countries.
Our first class Filipino brains are best utilized only in foreign countries.
Our first class employment for our college graduates are to be found mostly in foreign countries.
Our greatest hero Jose Rizal earned his first class scientific education and prominent membership of scientific organizations in foreign countries.
Golly, even the God we worship in the Philippines was born in Israel some 2,000 years ago. And Israel today is a Jewish State, not a Christian country.
For my part, ironically, it was a foreigner too who saved and reshaped my culturally damaged mind: Bertrand Russell. He managed to share with me his burning passion for the search of the honest truth; and his good life inspired by love and guided by knowledge. What led me to love and respect Bertrand Russell led me also to discover, appreciatively, other great men like our Voltairean Jose Rizal. Indeed, during my long miseducation in a Catholic school, I was nurtured to ridicule the new ways of thinking and living, indeed, to scoff at the attempts for human improvements as simply nothing but the atheistic work of the devil.
Is there hope for the Philippines? Yes, there is hope; but only if our kindergarten, schools, colleges, and universities remake themselves scientifically, stressing the precious values of redeeming creative and analytical thinking. In brief – teaching the soaring power of reason based on critical and a lifetime habit of serious reading. Otherwise, if science and the scientific way of thinking remains totally ignored playing no vital role whatsoever in the foundation of our education, the Filipino purpose shall only be to seek redemption in foreign countries; or, to seek the illusion of salvation in the next world. Sadly, however, according to Ecclesiastes: - “The living know they shall die, but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.” Poch Suzara